Limbic Light Podcast

Ep.060 Banned Episode! Interview With David Niven Millar

Maniisha Bluntschli

In this short and engaging discussion, David Niven Millar (previous co-host of Season 3 Limbic Light Podcasts - Unspoken Truths) and I discuss the matter of censorship of information and some hot tips where to look when seeking reliable health information.

Included are these topics -

  • Recent News From Youtube 
  • Censorship 
  • Reasons Why Our Video Was Removed 
  • Laws in Australia Regarding Treatment of Cancer 
  • One of Maniisha's Previous Experiences With Strict Medical Laws 
  • Cheapest & Most Effective Medicines Are Outlawed 
  • News & Media Is Biased 
  • Searching For Decent Information on Natural Medicine Online 
  • Some of Maniisha's Trusted Information Sources 
  • Seek Opposite View Points 


Grow Youthful Website   HERE
Dr. Berg's Website  HERE
Green Medicine Website   HERE
Dr. Mercola's Website   HERE

Email me for a potential podcast episode topic,  here

For the music by
First Love (ID 839) by Lobo Loco


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