Limbic Light Podcast

Ep. 085 The Truth About Low Body Temperature

Maniisha Bluntschli

In this episode, we dive into the fascinating and often overlooked role of body temperature in overall health. Maniisha shares how she uses temperature in her clinical practice and discusses the links between low body temperatures and chronic conditions like cancer, mental health issues, and fibromyalgia. We explore what a 'normal' basal body temperature is, how to measure it accurately, and why temperature fluctuations can signal underlying health concerns.

The episode unpacks the impact of low body temperatures on blood viscosity, circulation, lymphatic flow, and neurotransmitter creation, along with practical tips for correcting imbalances. From dietary changes to techniques like foot baths, contrast therapy, and cold plunges, you'll discover actionable steps to support optimal temperature regulation and overall well-being.

Episode 080  Maximum Detox: How Saunas Supercharge Your Health
Episode  069  Your Safe Scan: Medical Thermal Imaging

Many thanks to John Schofield for the great music track, Groovy Two Shoes
Thanks to Dr. David Jernigan for useful information in his article Cancer and Low Body Temperature


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